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Lab GPS™

Improved lab uptime is always within reach.

Introducing the Lab GPS mobile app with push notifications!

Lab GPS is built to improve uptime with lab connectivity monitoring, control, and notifications. Offered to all direct Instrument Manager™ connectivity customers in the U.S., Lab GPS brings the power of our industry-leading vendor-neutral solution outside the four walls of the lab.  

Complete the form to let our team know that you're ready to talk about how to:

  • Minimize costly lab downtime
  • Improve patient care by delivering timely patient test results
  • Enable your lab staff to monitor, stop, start, and resolve instrument connection issues – even remotely – without having to add to IT’s burden

Get in touch with our team

Minimize costly lab downtime and improve patient care by:

  • Providing visibility to the lab of any service disruptions
  • Allowing limited first-step troubleshooting prior to engaging IT
  • Expediting and simplifying IT troubleshooting
  • Enabling remote stop and restart of connections from anywhere - now available via mobile app!
  • Delivering timely patient test results
Lab GPS 2.1 Workflow
1. Receive automated email or mobile push notifications of downed connections
2. Log in to Lab GPS from your web browser or mobile app;
stop and restart downed connections
3. Stopping and starting the connection can in many cases resolve the downed connection

Improved lab uptime is always within reach.

Enterprise Lab Monitoring
Monitor all LIS and instrument connections across lab sites from a single dashboard, for connections routed through Instrument Manager™.

Downtime Recovery
Reduce critical lag time between knowing and acting on system and infrastructure issues that affect the lab.

Connection Control
Easily stop and start connections to resolve connectivity interruptions in the lab, even while off-site via web browser or mobile app.


Your lab. Your way.

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The new push notifications provide a direct popup to our personal devices that cannot be easily missed, leading to faster response times. It truly modernizes our alert processes.

Analyst, Clinical Applications
Enterprise Laboratory
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Lab GPS will be used at Scripps Health to empower laboratorians to manage their interface connectivity and increase interface uptime with advance support from the LIS administrators.


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Ron Lum
Enterprise Architect, Information Management - Beaker, Scripps Health
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As a large enterprise, we average two incidents per day resolved through a simple bounce of the interface.  Each results in approximately 20 – 30 minutes of impact including lab staff, instrument, and IT.  Empowering lab staff to attempt to resolve themselves through Lab GPS will reduce cost to the institution.

Canva Design DAFnPvJN_ic
Lead Analyst
Large Reference Laboratory

Ready to talk to us about Lab GPS?